Detox Your Armpits?!?!

Written by Brandy Keysor

A few weeks ago at the Scentible Oilers Social, we had a make and take station for all natural deodorant (recipe at the bottom of the page).  I was at another make and take station, and I was talking and listening to all the chatter.  One thing I heard was that most people love the natural deodorant, but there was a side note that I heard repeated often.  When you are new to using natural products and you switch from a traditional antiperspirant  to an all natural deodorant, there is an adjustment period where most of us feel very self conscious.  We tend to be extremely aware of every drop of sweat we produce and we fear the ultimate humiliation of “stinking” and if we are active at our jobs at all, it can be difficult to stick with the new product while our bodies are trying to normalize and get rid of toxic stuff.

I remember when I switched over to a natural deodorant, I was very self conscious.  I am a dog groomer and so I don’t sit at a computer all day, I wrestle dogs and cats in the tub, on the table etc.  I sweat, a lot, especially in the summer.  About a month into my journey though, I was caught off guard when I noticed half way through my day that I had forgotten to put deodorant on that morning.  I stopped dead and slowly looked around to see if my coworker had noticed.  I realized two things at that point.  First, even though I had been rushing around all morning, I wasn’t drenched in sweat.  Second, I could hardly detect an odor even putting my nose as close to my armpit as I could reach.  I have always considered myself to have heavy perspiration and in fact, when I was in high school, I used those prescription strength antiperspirants.

I was able to “work” through my adjustment period with natural deodorant this last time, but I had tried a couple of times before and gave up because I was so self conscious of my under arm wetness and odor.  It helps to have a great deodorant recipe, but if you still have trouble, I found a great article on taking steps to “detox” your armpits and actually decrease the adjustment period for natural deodorant on  I enjoy following her blog and she has some great tips for adjusting to a natural deodorant that I thought I would mention.


  1. If wetness and odor are a big concern, mix ¼ Apple Cider Vinegar with ¾ distilled (or boiled) water in a spray bottle and mist your armpits before you apply your deodorant. Let it dry, and then apply your deodorant. This will help to kill any bacteria in your pits and will help you to stay dryer longer.  In the beginning of my deodorant journey, I would spray my pits in the morning and apply my deodorant, then in the afternoon if I felt my deodorant was not lasting, I would re-spray this and re-apply my deodorant.


  1. You can do an actual detox “mask” for your armpits. This is especially helpful for those of us that are having a hard time adjusting to natural deodorant. Make a paste of 1 Tablespoon Bentonite clay, 1 Teaspoon Apple Cider Vinegar, and 1-2 Teaspoons of water and apply it to your armpits. Let it sit a few minutes and then rinse off.  See for the full recipe.


  1. Try a different recipe for your deodorant, if you are still not comfortable with the results. There are 2 recipes on this site that are “tried and true” by the members of the Scentsible Oiler team, but everyone is different – make adjustments if you need to!  You can remove the baking soda and try arrowroot or cornstarch instead, if you are having redness and irritation of your pits. Some people cannot handle baking soda in their armpits. I actually used Tapioca starch in one of my recipes because that is what I had on hand. A totally off the wall deodorant substitute is plain Milk of Magnesia.  You can apply it directly to your armpits with a cotton ball and let dry.  It works for many people who cannot use a baking soda  deodorant.  And one last suggestion is to spray Magnesium Oil on your armpits and let it dry, but that can cause redness and irritation too.  If you add more water to your Magnesium Oil, it might decrease those symptoms. (Magnesium Oil is not an “oil”, but a concentrated magnesium chloride water spray.  It’s not a Young Living product, but can be found at health food stores or on Amazon.)


I hope that if you are not using a natural deodorant, that these tips might encourage you to give it a try.  After all, adding essential oils to a natural or home made deodorant recipe is such a great way to introduce people to oils and also is a small change that can have immense impact on our overall health.  Happy Oiling!  Brandy


Lavender Melaleuca Deodorant (from Abundant Health website)

Ingredients List:

  • 3 Tbs coconut oil
  • 1 Tbs beeswax pellets
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1 vitamin E capsule
  • 5 drops melaleuca essential oil
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
  • 1 empty 2.65 oz. deodorant container

Instructions:  Combine coconut oil and beeswax pellets in a heat-proof glass bowl or glass measuring cup. Place bowl or measuring cup in a sauce pan filled with an inch of water. Heat mixture over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until completely melted. Stir in cornstarch, baking soda, and the oil from one vitamin E capsule. Remove from heat, and add essential oils. Quickly pour mixture into an empty deodorant container. Wait for mixture to harden and cool completely, and then start enjoying your all-natural essential oil deodorant!

Simple Lemon Deodorant

Ingredients List:

  • 6 Tbsp Organic Coconut Oil
  • 1/4 Cup Baking Soda
  • 1/4 Cup Arrowroot Powder
  • 10 Drops Young Living Lemon Essential Oil
  • 1 empty 2.65 oz. deodorant container or a small Mason Jar

Instructions: Mix in a bowl with a fork.  Note that it will seem like it’s not going to come together but it will!  Just keep mixing!  This deodorant works well but it’s a bit more runny than the recipe with beeswax.  People have different preferences of storage – some like using a small Mason Jar and applying with fingers, others prefer using a deodorant container.  Be sure to store in a cool place (not the refrigerator).  If it gets too warm the deodorant will get “melty” due to the coconut oil.

For more information or to order the Young Living products mentioned in this recipe please contact the Scentsible Oiler who referred you to this page or contact our team using the form below: 


DIY Lotion Bars

By Heather Steiner

As the unrelenting cold days set in, so does the occasional dry skin in our household.  I’ve never liked putting lotion on myself or my kids.  There’s something unappealing about the sort of slimy, strangely smooth feeling it leaves on my skin, not to mention the list of ingredients on the bottle I can’t pronounce.  Coconut oil and beeswax, however, feel lovely and are recognizable ingredients.

lotion bars
Photo by Heather Steiner Photography

We’ve all heard about the wonders of coconut oil.  It’s said to do this, that and the other.  While I don’t know if any of this, that or the other is true, it’s an oil, and so it’s moisturizing because it adds back the oil that’s naturally stripped from our skin this time of year by the cold weather and extra hand washing.

Beeswax simply acts as a barrier by holding the moisture to your skin, and keeping the lotion bar from feeling greasy.

I use both lavender and tea tree (melaleuca alternifolia) for their long histories of use for the skin, and because I love how they smell together.  It is a scent enjoyed by all the members of my family, including the guys.

Lotion Bars Ingredient List:

  • ½ cup organic coconut oil (should be solid at room temperature)
  • ¼ cup beeswax pellets
  • 10 drops Young Living Lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops Young Living Tea Trea (Melaleuca Alternifolia) essential oil

Add the coconut oil and beeswax to a small glass bowl.  Make a double boiler by setting the glass bowl over a pan of barely simmering water and slowly mix until everything has melted.  Be patient, beeswax takes a few minutes to melt.

I recommend setting aside a glass bowl or measuring cup for projects such as these.  Beeswax has a high melting point, and can be difficult to completely clean off.  Alternatively, after cleaning as well as possible, you can pour boiling water in your bowl, empty it into the sink and quickly wipe it out with a towel to remove any remaining beeswax.

When the oil and beeswax are melted and combined, remove the bowl from the pan, and stir the mixture to speed cooling.  Once the mixture has cooled enough that you can touch it, but it is still melted (test this by holding the side of the bowl, not by putting your finger into the mixture) add the essential oils and stir to combine.  Quickly pour the mixture into the mold of your choice (I recommend a muffin tin) and allow to cool to room temperature.  You can speed up this process by placing the filled molds in the refrigerator until firm.

To “unmold” your lotion bars, fill a large cake pan with very hot water, dip the underside of the muffin tin in the hot water until you can spin the lotion bars in the muffin tin.  Quickly invert the muffin tin onto the countertop to release the bars.  Repeat, if needed, to release the remaining lotion bars.

Lotion bars are best applied after bathing and your skin is still damp and warm.  If you have cold hands or it is an especially cold day, hold the bar between your hands for a few moments until it softens slightly, making it easier to apply.

Looking for more recipes?  Visit our recipes page for more DIY ideas!

For more information or to order the Young Living products mentioned in this recipe please contact the Scentsible Oiler who referred you to this page or contact our team using the form below: 

Essential Oil Rainbow for Labor & Delivery

Written by Pam Paulick

I was really motivated to use as many oils as I could if it had potential to make the labor and birthing process easier.  Doesn’t every pregnant gal wish for that?  I did Hypnobirthing, which involves listening to a Rainbow Relaxation track in preparation for (and during) the birth.  I thought a rainbow would be a great way to organize the list of essential oils that I had with me during labor & delivery with the birth of my son.  My sister and my doula did a wonderful job making sure I got my oils.  I highly recommend assigning the “oil application” job to someone on your birthing team, as there is no way you’ll have the brain space to think about it yourself in the moment!

In hindsight, the very favorites that I remember were the Aroma Siez for general muscle and back comfort and relaxation, NingXia Red for energy, and Brain Power to keep my head in the game.  I definitely could have used more Brain Power, as I felt that I lost my calm focus a bit once I moved from home to the hospital and was subjected to more poking and prodding.  Before and after birth, the ClaraDerm spray was invaluable!  I just sprayed it on every time I used the bathroom.


Brain Power (Red)

  • 1-2 drops on neck, throat, temples and/or under nose or 1-2 drops inside mouth/cheeks to support focus and mental presence

Myrrh (Orange)

  • Apply to abdomen after delivery to support the normal post-birth process

Fennel (Yellow)

  • Apply 1-2 drops of either or both on vita flex points on feet to keep things moving along

Gentle Baby (Green)

  • Diffuse and/or apply to ankles, Vita Flex points and hands when labor starts to support a relaxed mindset

AromaSiez or PanAway (Blue)

  • Rub on lower back and abdomen for for comfort and relaxation 

Valor and/or Lavender (Purple)

  • Apply Valor to wrists, chest, back of neck, bottoms of feet for courage and emotional balance
  • Apply Lavender to chest, back of neck, base of spine during transition

NingXia Red

  • 1 packet as desired during labor for energy support (I used 1/hr)

Claraderm Spray

  • Spray on perineum area after using the bathroom 3 x daily beginning a couple months prior to my due date and then through recovery weeks




  • Favorite quote I’ve ever heard about Frankincense “If it’s good enough for baby Jesus, it’s good enough for my babies!”
  • Very gentle and a great option for baby’s first oil
  • Dilute as desired and apply to feet, crown and umbilical cord stump daily

There are many resources available to use essential oils safely throughout pregnancy. labor and with a new baby.  The most important thing is to have the safest and highest quality essential oils, use common sense, listen to your body, and make certain your information is from a trusted resource.

This information is for educational purposes only and is not meant to prescribe, treat, diagnose or prevent any kind of illness or replace the care of a health professional.

To learn more about the essential oils mentioned here, contact the Scentsible Oiler who referred you to this page, or

My Baby’s First 4 Weeks With Essential Oils

Written by Pam Paulick, MN

Both of my children are “oiler babies”.  Essential oils were not entirely new to either of them at birth since I use oils as part of my daily routine, including throughout my pregnancy.

Interestingly, I’ve taken a different approach with my son than I did with my daughter (now 3 years old).  As I’ve continued to share essential oils with more and more people, I’m frequently approached by moms who are new to oils, and nervous about using certain oils on their infants.  While I comfortably and successfully used the traditional oils like Thieves, DiGize, RC and Peppermint (all diluted at least 30:1 to start) early on with my daughter, I wanted to explore some of the other less known options so that I could share my experiences with those too.  What I’ve discovered is that there are other equally effective options that don’t contain oils like peppermint and eucalyptus, which some experts have raised concerns about.  (Click the link to visit our Safety & Precautions page for more information about that.)

The first oil my son experienced within hours of birth was Frankincense.  Frankincense with ResinI took a drop in my hands, and put some on his head, spine and feet, as Frankincense is supportive to the immune system.  We also put a drop on his umbilical cord a couple times per day with diaper changes, since it’s also supportive for the skin. I used Valor oil on my abdomen for that oh-so-fun cramping that comes with nursing, so he received some of that oil by inhalation as well, before we ever left the hospital.  Valor is also emotionally balancing and confidence boosting – ideal when you’re new to the world, or dealing with the normal post-partum ups and downs from those crazy hormones.  The nurses and staff said we had the best smelling room in the building.

Just like most new babies, getting used to the new physical feelings that came along with normal digestion in the outside world caused my son to get a little fussy now and then.  I made a mix of one drop each of Copaiba, Lavender and DiGize with about 30 drops of olive oil (for storing these “baby blends”, I ordered these tiny glass bottles).  I’d rub a drop from this mixture on his tummy, and another drop on the bottoms of his feet as needed.

Sleep is a precious thing, for both new babies and moms and essential oils can support restful sleep for both!  I’ve been diffusing oils on my nightstand for a couple years, but when we brought the new baby in I started by just putting a single drop of lavender into the diffuser so it wouldn’t be overwhelming.

I think most new babies experience occasional stuffy noses from all the new things they are breathing in, like laundry detergents or the fuzz from all those wonderfully soft blankets.  This becomes especially challenging at night when they are laying down and trying to sleep.  My favorite oils for applying to Reece’s chest and feet were Idaho Blue Spruce or Myrtle.  I would also add a drop of either of those, or a drop of RC to the diffuser.  I would often add another drop to the diffuser in the middle of the night during one of his feedings, as well as reapplying oils to his chest and feet.

Regular baths with KidScents shampoo has provided a gentle way to keep him clean, and TenderTush or Animal Scents Ointment has been helpful in maintaining healthy skin under his diaper.

As a brand new mom, the health and safety of that tiny bundle of joy is top priority.  As careful as we are about what we put on and in our pregnant bodies, there’s a certain level of protection that has disappeared once our babies are on the outside.  I’m relieved to have a safe, natural, toxin-free alternative that I can start using from birth.

For more information or to order the products mentioned in this post, please contact the person who referred you to this page or contact Pam at  

A Comfortable Pregnancy With Essential Oils

Written by Pam Paulick

I went through my first pregnancy with my daughter in 2011 using some essential oils, but I was very cautious.  It’s normal to become a bit of a nervous oiler when you’re new to either pregnancy or oils (and “new” is subjective)!  By the second time around, I was more comfortable with both.

_DSC0499Since essential oils work best in a healthy body, I wanted to set myself up for success by making sure I was eating as organically as possible, and avoiding processed foods and GMOs, both of which I was more nervous about putting in my body than any oil on the “caution during pregnancy” list.  I also supported my body and energy level (I had a 2 year-old to chase around) by ensuring I had a good routine with supplements, all of which I shared with my midwife.  I was taking True Source, Master Formula Hers, MultiGreens, Essentialzymes-4, Life 5 Probiotic, and NingXia Red, all from Young Living, as well as fish oils, Vitamin D, and a Folic Acid/B12 supplement.  I also took Inner Defense for immune support, but there is conflicting information on whether or not some of the oils it contains should be avoided during pregnancy, so some may find ImmuPro to be a more preferable option.  Again, any supplement regimen for pregnancy should be approved by a health provider well versed in natural supplements.

During my first pregnancy, I spent much of the first trimester with “all-day sickness” (whoever coined the term “morning” sickness was terribly mistaken).  During my second pregnancy, I had better dietary habits a much better routine with supplements, which seemed to shorten morning sickness to just a brief time in the late afternoon…a time period that falls inconveniently right after my daughter’s nap.  I was surprised to find that a shot of NingXia Red or chewing Slique Gum was very helpful for me.  Smelling DiGize or Peppermint, or placing a drop on my tongue or belly, was very settling as well.  Rubbing Purification on the insides of my cheeks was helpful too – not incredibly tasty, but preferable over the ishy feeling!

I experienced some leg cramping in the middle of my pregnancy, often in the evening and overnight.  Research has suggested that increasing magnesium or calcium has helped some women with this issue, and I did find that taking an extra Master Formula Hers (a multivitamin) would often mean no cramping that night.  If I forgot the extra supplement and had cramping, using Ortho Ease Massage Oil, or Aroma Siez and/or RC essential oil (surprising, but yes) would lessen my discomfort.  I should mention that Ortho Ease contains wintergreen, and Aroma Siez contains basil, which some resources suggest avoiding during pregnancy.

For emotional support and more restful sleep, I turned to some of my favorites – Lavender, Valor, and Idaho Blue Spruce – in a diffuser on my nightstand.  I also enjoyed putting a few drops of Gentle Baby oil in ¼ cup of Epsom salts and adding that to my bath water.  It helped me to relax and unwind for bed after a long day.

Later in pregnancy when I began to have what I like to call “practice surges” (more commonly Braxton Hicks), rubbing Peace & Calming oil on my belly was calming both mentally and physically.  Lavender is another option, but Peace & Calming seemed to work better for me.

I found that I was somewhat more sensitive to certain oils while pregnant.  When diffusing, I used fewer drops of oil because I was more easily overwhelmed.  I also found it interesting that I didn’t care for some scents that I normally loved, and found myself loving some scents that I normally didn’t care for.  I figured maybe this was the baby expressing his opinion. I tried to pay very close attention to what my body was telling me, and use the least amount of oil necessary to do the job.

Overall, essential oils were a wonderful benefit to me while I was pregnant, helping to relieve the minor discomforts associated with a healthy pregnancy, and keeping everyday stress at bay.