My Baby’s First 4 Weeks With Essential Oils

Written by Pam Paulick, MN

Both of my children are “oiler babies”.  Essential oils were not entirely new to either of them at birth since I use oils as part of my daily routine, including throughout my pregnancy.

Interestingly, I’ve taken a different approach with my son than I did with my daughter (now 3 years old).  As I’ve continued to share essential oils with more and more people, I’m frequently approached by moms who are new to oils, and nervous about using certain oils on their infants.  While I comfortably and successfully used the traditional oils like Thieves, DiGize, RC and Peppermint (all diluted at least 30:1 to start) early on with my daughter, I wanted to explore some of the other less known options so that I could share my experiences with those too.  What I’ve discovered is that there are other equally effective options that don’t contain oils like peppermint and eucalyptus, which some experts have raised concerns about.  (Click the link to visit our Safety & Precautions page for more information about that.)

The first oil my son experienced within hours of birth was Frankincense.  Frankincense with ResinI took a drop in my hands, and put some on his head, spine and feet, as Frankincense is supportive to the immune system.  We also put a drop on his umbilical cord a couple times per day with diaper changes, since it’s also supportive for the skin. I used Valor oil on my abdomen for that oh-so-fun cramping that comes with nursing, so he received some of that oil by inhalation as well, before we ever left the hospital.  Valor is also emotionally balancing and confidence boosting – ideal when you’re new to the world, or dealing with the normal post-partum ups and downs from those crazy hormones.  The nurses and staff said we had the best smelling room in the building.

Just like most new babies, getting used to the new physical feelings that came along with normal digestion in the outside world caused my son to get a little fussy now and then.  I made a mix of one drop each of Copaiba, Lavender and DiGize with about 30 drops of olive oil (for storing these “baby blends”, I ordered these tiny glass bottles).  I’d rub a drop from this mixture on his tummy, and another drop on the bottoms of his feet as needed.

Sleep is a precious thing, for both new babies and moms and essential oils can support restful sleep for both!  I’ve been diffusing oils on my nightstand for a couple years, but when we brought the new baby in I started by just putting a single drop of lavender into the diffuser so it wouldn’t be overwhelming.

I think most new babies experience occasional stuffy noses from all the new things they are breathing in, like laundry detergents or the fuzz from all those wonderfully soft blankets.  This becomes especially challenging at night when they are laying down and trying to sleep.  My favorite oils for applying to Reece’s chest and feet were Idaho Blue Spruce or Myrtle.  I would also add a drop of either of those, or a drop of RC to the diffuser.  I would often add another drop to the diffuser in the middle of the night during one of his feedings, as well as reapplying oils to his chest and feet.

Regular baths with KidScents shampoo has provided a gentle way to keep him clean, and TenderTush or Animal Scents Ointment has been helpful in maintaining healthy skin under his diaper.

As a brand new mom, the health and safety of that tiny bundle of joy is top priority.  As careful as we are about what we put on and in our pregnant bodies, there’s a certain level of protection that has disappeared once our babies are on the outside.  I’m relieved to have a safe, natural, toxin-free alternative that I can start using from birth.

For more information or to order the products mentioned in this post, please contact the person who referred you to this page or contact Pam at